May 8th, 2024

The Circle Finale


One of my guilty pleasures is the Netflix show "The Circle". It's a social media experiment game. They isolate players and the only way they can communicate with the other players is through the social media app "The Circle". They play games, vote each other out, etc. etc. 

It's ridiculous, but it's fun to watch. I never take it so seriously that I really care who wins or not ... but I'll usually have a couple that I would prefer take home the cash.

This season though, season 6, there's one player that made it to the finale that I've really disliked. His name is Jordan and while he's playing the game strategically, he also just comes off as a real jerk. He seems to have a personal vendetta against one of the players for no reason. It's annoying.

We're in the middle of watching the finale as I type this and I hope Jordan doesn't win it all. I'm actually invested enough to hope somebody doesn't win. Yeesh, what's gotten into me?