Happy Anniversary!
fountainpenThe wife and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary last month. Her gift to me was to pick out a pen and ink that I wanted. I ordered for my first time from Goldspot and they just came yesterday (with some Black Friday extras). Woohoo!
I present my new Esterbrook Estie with medium nib, push button piston filler, in Funky Lake blue. I also got a bottle of Ferris Wheel Press "Edwards Gardens" ink.
However, I inked the Estie with Troublemaker Inks "Simoun"; which is a great sheening ink. The FWP ink is a shimmering one and I didn't want to make that the first ink in the new pen, so it's currently inked in one of my TWSBI Ecos.
This is my first Esterbrook pen and so far I love it. It writes very smoothly. The push button filler was super easy to use. And I love the color and style of this one!